Volvo Trucks site visit in Ghent

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UBI Business School had the incredible opportunity to visit one of Europe’s most advanced automotive manufacturing facilities: the Volvo Group’s manufacturing site for its trucks in Ghent, Belgium. This unforgettable field trip was attended by a diverse group, including energetic undergraduates and diligent postgraduate students, along with accomplished alumni and passionate faculty members, all eager to delve into the world of Volvo.

The sprawling manufacturing facility we explored is known for producing Volvo’s top-notch electric and combustion trucks. Not only did we get the chance to observe Volvo’s sophisticated manufacturing processes up close, but we also got an exclusive look into the core of their global supply chain. Touring the impressive factory, we were able to track where and how the component parts were made and how they were assembled into the final product, the immaculate Volvo Trucks. The scale and complexity of the entire operation was genuinely astounding!

Our tour through the factory was not just about observing; it was also about learning. It gave our students a realistic sense of how theoretical aspects they study at UBI Business School can be applied in an industrial environment. For the faculty and alumni, it was a unique opportunity to brush up their knowledge on car manufacturing processes in accordance with modern sustainability standards.

The visit to Volvo in Belgium also allowed the students and faculty of UBI Business School to understand the significance of environmentally responsible business operations. The trip showed how Volvo is pioneering in electric truck production and emission reduction, a strategy that sets them apart in the automotive industry and aligns them with global sustainability goals. This created an eye-opening discussion among our members about the future of transportation and the role of business in shaping sustainable solutions.

All in all, the trip to Volvo Group’s manufacturing site was not just a learning experience, but a memory that would shape many of our students’ future careers. As we left the factory grounds, the excitement and enthusiasm amongst our group were vividly palpable. This visit echoed UBI Business School’s commitment to bridging theory and practice, bringing classroom knowledge to the real world of business, and opening a multitude of possibilities for our students.

We’re eagerly looking forward to our next educational field trip that would give us an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into more such fascinating industries.