

Chinese Firms in the Global Market – Understanding the Development of Capabilities of Chinese Multinationals

Chinese Firms in the Global Market – Understanding the Development of Capabilities of Chinese Multinationals

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UBI Business School’s Director of Postgraduate Programmes & International Partnerships, Dr. Maria Altamira, has published a new book titled “Chinese Firms in the Global Market – Understanding the Development of Capabilities of Chinese Multinationals“, part of the book series “Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series (PAMABS)”, published by Springer.

Dr Altamira’s book critically analyses how home institutional elements influence the design and development of Chinese firms’ capabilities at home, and questions if and how these capabilities are applicable in a different business environment. Reflecting on timely issues in today’s business environment in which China faces several challenges in domestic and international markets, she provides and in-depth understanding of Chinese firms’ business strategies, objectives and competitive advantages at home and abroad in different environments. By doing so, it deepens our understanding of the Chinese business landscape and its impact on the development of relevant capabilities. Dr Altamira presents a study based on a narrative inquiry strategy and a narrative analysis of Chinese managers’ perspectives and understanding of the capabilities from three different types of firms with international experience (State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), National Champions (NC), and Private Firms (PF)). This book is a valuable resource for academics, practitioners, and policymakers, providing insights into the swift rise of Chinese multinationals both within and outside of China.

Congratulations once again to Dr Altamira for this tremendous accomplishment, bringing further accolades in academic excellence to her already impressive portfolio, and to our school!

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Dr Alvaro Mendez


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