

Prof. Francisco Nadal De Simone

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Prof. Francisco Nadal De Simone


English, French, Italian, Luxembourgish and Spanish

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Meet Prof. Francisco Nadal De Simone, currently contributing to the BSc. Programme at UBI Business School. With a PhD in International Monetary Economics from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, Francisco brings profound expertise to his role. He also holds a Master’s in Economics from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Argentina and an Advanced Studies Certificate from the University of Geneva. Francisco’s extensive academic background underscores his commitment to excellence in teaching and research.


English, French, Italian, Luxembourgish and Spanish

PhD in International Monetary Economics – The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies,


Master in Economics, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina


Advanced Studies Certificate – The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Professional Experience
Adviser, Economics and Research Department, Central Bank of Luxembourg
Former representative at the Financial Stability Committee of the European Central Bank

European Central Bank

Representative at the Committee on Global Financial Stability of the Bank for International Settlements, European Central Bank

European Central Bank

Professor, Finance, Money and Banking, International Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Selected Publications & Other Achievements
“Optimum Currency Areas and Currency Substitution”, doctoral dissertation, F. Nadal-De Simone. The Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva, July 1987, 346 pages.


“The Current Account Balance: An Analysis of the Issues”, S. Collins , F. Nadal-De Simone, and D. Hargreaves. Bulletin, Reserve Bank on New Zealand, March 1998.


“Forecasting Inflation in Chile Using State-Space and Regime-Switching Models”, F. Nadal-De Simone. International Monetary Fund, WP/00/162, October 2000.

October 2000.

“Output Variability Before and During Inflation Targeting”, F. Nadal-De Simone. International Monetary Fund, WP/01/215, December 2001.

December 2001

“Spectral Analysis and Time Series: The US Merchandise Trade Balance”, F. Nadal-De Simone. Economic Research & Analysis Unit GATT, Geneva, 1989, 29 pages. Mimeo.


“A Review of Capital Account Restrictions in Chile in the 1990s”, P. Sorsa and F. Nadal-De Simone. International Monetary Fund, WP/99/52, April 1999.

April 1999.

“Nominal Exchange Rates and Nominal Interest Rate Differentials”, F. Nadal-De Simone and W. Razzak. International Monetary Fund, WP/99/141, October 1999.

October 1999.

“Money Demand in a Small Open Economy: The Case of the Dominican Republic”, F. Nadal-De Simone. International Monetary Fund, Occasional Paper 206, January 2002.

January 2002.

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