

Lecture Series: Eric Strong

Lecture Series: Eric Strong

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Eric Strong is co-founder and president at 4Cast Services Inc. in Toronto, Canada, and has been an active member of the North American Technology Solutions and Services industry for more than 25 years. He has developed extensive partnerships delivering specific expertise and skills to solutions, for both business consulting and technology challenges for many years.


Through 4Cast Services, Eric works globally creating business opportunities for partners, as well as carrying out projects within cloud computing, guest speaking and adding value as an exclusive representative for their partners. Eric’s presentation will focus on working globally and creating lifelong relationships as a career. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84620156270?pwd=eFluMmRNQ3N4aVdZcEFzY3RXSWxOdz09 Meeting ID: 846 2015 6270 Passcode: 050256

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