Úbeda, Fernando, Mendez, Alvaro, & Forcadell, Francisco Javier. (2022). The sustainable practices of multinational banks as drivers of financial inclusion in developing countries. Finance Research Letters, 103278. (JCR Q1 – Journal Impact Factor: 9.848 – Ranked #1 out of 122 in Business, Finance)
This JCR article by Professor Mendez was the second produced by the UBI research team. It is the publication with the highest impact factor that we have published to date. The journal is ranked number 1 out of 122 journals in business and finance. In the piece, the authors investigate the impact of sustainable practices of multinational banks (MNBs) in 16 developing countries on financial inclusion, based on a sample of 275 MNBs and 16,618 individuals. This piece demonstrates that the sustainability in banking increases the use of mobile banking, which is crucial for financial inclusion in the developing world.