Selected Publications & Other Achievements
Fornes, G. & Altamira, M. 2023. Digitalization, Technology and Global Business. How technology is shaping value creation across borders. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
· Altamira, M., G. Fornes, and A. Mendez. (2022). “Chinese Institutions and International Expansion within the BRI. Firm Capabilities of Chinese Companies in the European Union.”. Asia Pacific Business Review. 1-23.
Altamira, M. (2021). Developing online narrative interviews. A qualitative research study about Chinese managers’ understanding of the development of marketing strategies in Europe. SAGE Research Methods Cases Business & Management
Fornes, G., Cardoza, G., & Altamira, M. (2021). Do informal business and political relations help SMEs from emerging markets in their national and international expansion? Evidence from Brazil and China. International Journal of Emerging Markets.
Chun-kwong Koo, T., Fornes, G., Illie, C., Cardoza, G., & Altamira, M. (2020). Female entrepreneurship in emerging economies: what do we need to know? The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Business Review, 2(1&2).
Altamira, M. (2018). Understanding the definition and development of marketing capabilities in Chinese multinationals and the influence of institutional elements. A Narrative Inquiry strategy to study Chinese managers ́ experiences. SAGE Research Methods Cases Business & Management
Fornes, G., Cardoza, G., & Altamira, M. 2016. Informal structures and practices in the national and international expansion of SMEs from emerging markets. Evidence from Brazil and China. Academy of Management annual conference. Anaheim.
Fornes, G., & Altamira, M. 2014. Setting the scene for the development of differentiation strategies in emerging markets. The case of Chinese MNCs in Latin America. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Economic Growth and Technological Change in Latin America.
Altamira, M., & Fornes, G. 2013. China a la conquista internacional. Cinco Dias. 19/09/2013
Altamira, M. 2013. The role of the domestic Chinese institutional framework in the definition of the value proposal of Chinese firms entering foreign markets. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Forum 2013 –The Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Firms, Shanghai.
- PhD, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Warwick, United Kingdom
- Master in Marketing Management, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid, Spain
- Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain
- Senior Fellowship (SFHEA). Higher Education Academy. United Kingdom
Professional Experience
- Director of PGT Studies and International Development, UBI Business School
- Director of MSc Programme, UBI Business School
- Academic Quality and International Partnerships Director, UBI Business School, Belgium, Luxembourg and Shanghai.
- Academic Quality Assurance Director, UBI Business School, Belgium, Luxembourg and Shanghai.
- China Center Director, previously China Center Manager, ESIC Business and Marketing School, Madrid, Spain
- Accreditation Manager, ESIC Business and Marketing School, Madrid, Spain
- MBA and Master en Dirección y Administración de Empresas Coordinator. ESIC Business and Marketing School, Madrid, Spain
Certifications and accreditations
Oct. 2022: Senior Fellowship (SFHEA). Higher Education Academy. United Kingdom.
- Spanish, English, French