With autumn semester beginning last week, we welcomed all of our returning bachelor students, as well as our new cohort! It’s always a pleasure to reconnect with our students after the summer break and then to introduce them to the new students joining our programmes. The week prior to the beginning of classes, we spent a morning of orientation meetings reviewing important administrative and programme details and then enjoyed lunch together as the students got to meet the new cohort.
UBI continually seeks to improve the quality of the education we deliver while incorporating student feedback and supporting the overall student experience. Our online student platform provides students with a reliable location to find all of the information necessary for classes and general administrative processes. The administration supports student initiatives as students shape their educational experience, both academic and extracurricular. Our Quality Assurance team monitors the quality of our assessments and exams, as we ensure our courses attain their learning objectives. We take pride in the quality education we provide at UBI and look forward to another exciting academic year.