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Lecture Series: The War in Ukraine’s Impact on Global Trade

Lecture Series: The War in Ukraine’s Impact on Global Trade

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The financial sector can no longer escape the impact of digital currencies. Since the introduction of bitcoin in 2009, other crypto-currencies have emerged from the internet and increased regional independence. Sorin Cristescu, SeniorEntreprise Architect and Blockchain Competence Centre Leader at the European Commission, will discuss cryptocurrencies, including what they are, the blockchain technology behind them, and why and how you should invest in them.

Sorin CRISTESCU holds a Master’s in Molecular Biology from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris and the Paris Sud University, France. He then switched to IT and earned a second Master’s, in Computer Science, from the University of Lorraine, France. In 2012, he joined the European Commission and later set up and led the European Commission DIGIT Blockchain Competency Centre. The Centre delivered many ‘firsts’ during its existence (2017-2019), including the first pan-EU blockchain network and financial pilot.

Alongside his work at the Commission, Sorin gives lectures about blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies for various training organizations and chairs a Master’s course in “Public and Private Blockchains” at the Université de Lille, France. He is fascinated by the role trust plays in shaping society and has focused on blockchain and its applications ever since he realized it is the ultimate ‘trust machine’.

Join us for an informative discussion about cryptocurrencies.


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Meeting ID: 822 5931 3024

Passcode: 230802

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