Guest speaker: co-founder of Felobel, Nael Giannini

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On Tuesday, April 16, between 11:00 and 13:00, a Guest Speaker, Nael Giannini, will be running a Workshop On the Art of the Pitch. The Multiple Faces of Pitching: Discovery and Practice”

This session is mandatory for our current BSc students but we extend this invitation to our alumni! Contact us to register!


Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 898 4340 4161

Passcode: 581006


The workshop will consist of theory and a pitching session. At the end of the workshop, each team (we will be using the Professional Skills Development groups as divided for the 2nd Group Assessment Presentation) can pitch. The online students will work in breakout rooms and pitch online.


About the speaker: 

Nael Giannini, 25, is a co-founder of Felobel, the Belgian Federation of Eloquence and a partner in a few other startups, including Ekowz.  He helps coordinate the public speaking sector in Belgium and offers around a hundred training sessions annually. Through these ventures, Nael has gained firsthand experience in pitching ideas, dealing with the media, fundraising, applying for grants, and speaking at events in front of large crowds.

At his core, Nael is an entrepreneur motivated by impact and the chance to contribute positively to the world around him. He is committed to using his energy in ways that matter, make a difference, and do meaningful work.