Corporate Recruitment: SolarPower Europe

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UBI’s Career Services had the pleasure of inviting representatives of SolarPower Europe to present their association and the available career opportunities in solar to our bachelor and MBA students last week.

SolarPower Europe is an EU association representing 280 organisations from the whole solar PV value chain whose mission is to ensure that solar becomes Europe’s leading energy source by 2030. The association was established 35 years ago to raise awareness among EU institutions and the general public about the importance of solar as a renewable energy source, and at the same time to serve as a link between policy makers and the solar PV value chain. While the importance of their mission hasn’t changed, the pandemic has spotlighted the issue of climate change and, therefore, the association’s activities have increased in the last few years.

SolarPower Europe affords its members influence, intelligence, networking, visibility, and business. They serve as a policy influencer for the EU institutions representing the whole PV solar value chain. Their timely market analysis allows members to keep up with trends and learn about improvements to incorporate in their business activities. The association’s communication, both internally and externally, disseminates information and content to targeted stakeholders. Organised events engage policy makers and build relationships between members, which in turn creates business opportunities for all stakeholders.

SolarPower Europe is excited to announce their first annual online solar jobs fair on 1 December 2022. Solar Works Fair will be hosted on a digital platform that enables job seekers and companies an efficient way to connect. Companies from the solar value chain will showcase their brand to attract new recruits while job seekers will be able to connect with talent recruiters and educators to better understand the wide variety of jobs in the solar sector. Additionally, job seekers can gain insight into the skills that are needed, and then get advice on education and training options to enter the rapidly growing solar market.

Register for their event today!