Date: Thursday, Jan 25, from 10AM-11AM
As part of their “Global Concerns” module, our Bachelor in Business students will have the honour of welcoming our latest guest speaker, Chipo Mbawu, who will share her insights on the wave of environmental and human rights due diligence in the EU landscape.
Chipo is the Program Manager at The Shift vzw/asbl, focusing on SDGs for International Development. She guides various Belgian stakeholders in the implementation of Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) within international value chains and explores the potential for North-South cooperation. She has a wide NGO background in policy research, advocacy, as well as monitoring and evaluation of developmental projects in Africa.
We warmly invite our alumni to join us for this insightful session.
Contact us to receive the Zoom link to this talk!
Thank you to Christina Bache, PhD, for coordinating this great interaction for our students!